Click on the following journals to find out their publications on cultural diplomacy.

Cultural Trends
The journal champions methodological rigour and is keen to comment on evidence used for policy making. It serves as a platform to reach a broad audience and research communities worldwide and communicate with both cultural practitioners and policymakers.

International Journal of Cultural Policy
It provides an outlet for a multidisciplinary and international exploration of the meaning, function and consequences of cultural policies. Cultural policy is understood as the promotion or disparagement of particular cultural practices and values.

Place Branding and Public Diplomacy
This journal offers a vehicle for discussion of the rapidly-expanding practice of place branding. Spanning disciplines from public relations through destination marketing, to brand strategy, export branding, economics and cultural policy, the journal presents coverage that is deep and detailed.

Journal of Arts Management, Law and Society
The journal seeks to increase communication and foster understanding among artists, public and private policymakers, cultural administrators, trustees, patrons, scholars, educators, and lawyers.